Im Folgenden finden Sie alle Präsentationen aufgelistet, die seit der Neubesetzung der Professur durch Prof. Jaan-Willem Simon im Oktober 2022 gehalten worden sind.
Die Vortragenden sind jeweils hervorgehoben.
- Greta Kloppenburg, Xiangfeng Li, Albrecht Dinkelmann, Herrmann Finckh, Johannes Neumann, Jaan-Willem Simon
"Identifying fiber orientation and fiber volume fraction distributions in a commercial paperboard for computational modeling"
94rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Magdeburg, 2024
- Birte Boes, Jaan-Willem Simon, Hagen Holthusen
"Constitutive artificial neural network for elasto-plastic material behavior"
94rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Magdeburg, 2024
- N. Kopic-Osmanovic, Holger Schubert, Stefan Rief, Julia Orlik, Heiko Andrä, Marek Hauptmann, Jaan-Willem Simon
"Modeling the influence of temperature and moisture on the elasto-plastic behavior of paper and paperboard"
17th International Conference in Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications, Barcelona (Spanien), 2023
- Birte Boes, Jaan-Willem Simon
"A continuum damage model for the anisotropic material response of paper and paperboard"
17th International Conference in Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications, Barcelona (Spanien), 2023
- Greta Kloppenburg, Caterina Czibula, Elisabeth Walther, Johannes Neumann, Ulrich Hirn, Jaan-Willem Simon
"Characterizing the interaction between paper fibers based in experimental and numerical tests"
3rd ECCOMAS Thematic conference on Computational Methods in Wood Mechanics (CompWood 2023), Dresden (Deutschland), 2023
- Jaan-Willem Simon, Lukas Poggenpohl, Hagen Holthusen
"Computational homogenization of microstructures with localization leading to softening"
ECCOMAS Thematic conference "6th International Conference on Multi-scale Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids", Sarajevo (Bosnien und Herzegowina), 2023
- Nadir Kopic-Osmanovic, Eric Prume, Sebastian Felder, Greta Kloppenburg, Jaan-Willem Simon
"An Elasto-plastic Material Model for Paper and Paperboard at Finite Deformations"
ECCOMAS Thematic conference "6th International Conference on Multi-scale Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids", Sarajevo (Bosnien und Herzegowina), 2023
- Jan Mirco Pfeifer, Greta Kloppenburg, Johannes Neumann, Jaan-Willem Simon
"Incorporating Statistical Fluctuations of Material and Structural Properties into Fiber Networks for Paper and Paperboard"
ECCOMAS Thematic conference "6th International Conference on Multi-scale Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids", Sarajevo (Bosnien und Herzegowina), 2023
- Greta Kloppenburg, Nadir Kopic, Birte Boes, Jan Pfeifer, Johannes Neumann, Jaan-Willem Simon
"Multi-scale and multi-physics modeling of paper"
ZELLCHEMING-Expo 2023 - Fachmesse für die Zellstoff-, Papier- und Zulieferindustrie sowie faserbasierter Werkstoffe, Wiesbaden, 2023
- Jan Mirco Pfeifer, Greta Kloppenburg, Summer Kochersperger, Samuel Schabel, Albrecht Dinkelmann, Hermann Finckh, Johannes Neumann, Jaan-Willem Simon
"Generating synthetic microstructures that represent fibrous networks of cellulosic materials"
EUROMECH Colloquium 634 - Multi-physics of fibrous networks and fibre-composite materials, Eindhoven (Niederlande), 2023
- Birte Boes, Jaan-Willem Simon, Hagen Holthusen
"A constitutive model for describing decoupled material behavior in thickness and in-plane directions"
93rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Dresden, 2023
- Greta Kloppenburg, Xiangfeng Li, Albrecht Dinkelmann, Herrmann Finckh, Johannes Neumann, Jaan-Willem Simon
"Identifying microstructural properties of paper"
93rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Dresden, 2023
- Jan Mirco Pfeifer, Greta Kloppenburg, Summer Kochersperger, Samuel Schabel , Albrecht Dinkelmann, Herrmann Finckh, Johannes Neumann, Jaan-Willem Simon
"Automatic generation of microstructures for materials based on cellulose fibers"
93rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Dresden, 2023
- Greta Kloppenburg, Caterina Czibula, Elisabeth Walther, Johannes Neumann, Ulrich Hirn, Jaan-Willem Simon
"How to obtain contact properties for fiber-fiber bonds?"
International Paper Physics Conference 2023, Guangzhou (China), 2023
- Greta Kloppenburg, Xiangfeng Li, Albrecht Dinkelmann, Herrmann Finckh, Johannes Neumann, Jaan-Willem Simon
"Analyzing the fiber distribution in paper using CT scans"
International Paper Physics Conference 2023, Guangzhou (China), 2023
- Nadir Kopic-Osmanovic, Eric Prume, Sebastian Felder, Greta Kloppenburg, Jaan-Willem Simon
"An Elasto-plastic Material Model for Paper and Paperboard at Finite Deformations"
International Paper Physics Conference 2023, Guangzhou (China), 2023
- Greta Kloppenburg, Nadir Kopic, Birte Boes, Jan Pfeifer, Johannes Neumann, Jaan-Willem Simon
"Papier als nachhaltiges Leichtbaumaterial: Aktuelle Herausforderungen bei der mehrskaligen und mehrphysikalischen Modellierung"
CM@S-Kolloquium des Wuppertal Center for Smart Materials & Systems, Wuppertal, 2023
- Greta Kloppenburg, Nadir Kopic, Birte Boes, Jan Pfeifer, Johannes Neumann, Jaan-Willem Simon
"Multiscale modeling of paper - How to get from network to sheet level"
Seminarvortrag in der Seminarreihe der Scuola Alti Studi Lucca: "Research and innovation on materials & mechanics for paper, paperboard and paper products: a series of seminars from worldwide experts", online, 2023
- Greta Kloppenburg, Nadir Kopic, Birte Boes, Jan Pfeifer, Johannes Neumann, Jaan-Willem Simon
"Multiscale and multiphysics material modeling of paper"
Seminarvortrag während eines Forschungsaufenthalts am Institute of Bioproducts and Paper Technology, Graz (Österreich), 2023
- Greta Kloppenburg, Nadir Kopic, Birte Boes, Jan Pfeifer, Johannes Neumann, Jaan-Willem Simon
"Multiscale and multiphysics material modeling of composite materials"
Mathematisches Kolloquium der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, 2023
- Johannes Neumann
"Dimensionierung von Betonfahrbahnen – RDO Beton vs. FEM"
Forschungskolloquium Betonstraßenbau, Dresden, 2023
zuletzt bearbeitet am: 25.03.2024