BUW UniService Transfer
Our project DiPl-HFC in the BUW Transferbrochure 2023
BUW UniService Transfer
Our project DiPl-HFC in the BUW Transferbrochure 2023
BUW UniService Transfer
Our project DiPl-HFC as one of eight nominated projects
Nomination 1st Humboldtⁿ Award for Sustainability
According to the preliminary results, Prof. Jaan-Willem Simon has been elected to the DFG (German Research Foundation) review board. Congratulations!
DFG review board election 2023
Thank you and all the best!
Farewell Max Osterkamp
We congratulate Paul Krings on the successful completion of his bachelor's thesis titled "Incorporating fluctuations into an elastoplastic material…
Bachelor's thesis of Paul Krings
Modeling paper at the Conference on Computational Plasticity
Conference COMPLAS 2023 in Barcelona
Presentation at the conference on the raw material of paper: wood
Conference CompWood 2023 in Dresden
We are looking for a research assistant as soon as possible
We are hiring
Birte Boes publishes the paper "A novel continuum mechanical framework for decoupled materialbehavior in thickness and in-plane directions"
New publication
CAM presents research on multiscale modeling of composite materials
ECCOMAS MSF 2023 Konferenz in Sarajevo