Computational Applied Mechanics

Dr.-Ing. Lilian Aurora Ochoa

E-Mail: lilian.aurora[at]

Room: HD.01.17b

Lilian Aurora embraces her Mexican culture. Graduated fom TNM-Chihuahua with a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. She moved to Mexico City and received her Master's degree from IPN-ESIME in 2015. Obtained her PhD from the same IPN-ESIME in 2020 to finally make a postdoctoral stay in RWTH Aachen University in 2023.

Lilian Aurora has had the opportunity to develop in research, teaching and private industry. Her main focus is Fractal Mechanics. Concerned about how fractal properties can be used to model different materials and validate theories and/or experiments. Recently moved to Germany, started working and integrating with the research group lead by Prof. Jaan-Willem Simon at the University of Wuppertal.