Computational Applied Mechanics

Xiangfeng Li, M. Sc.


Raum: HD.02.22

Xiangfeng's research focuses on modeling and simulating the interfacial bonding properties between semi-crystalline polymer layers, particularly below their melting point. He aims to develop a multi-scale bonding model, from the molecular to the continuum scale, to predict interfacial strength and fracture behavior under varying temperature and crystallinity conditions. This research will provide a theoretical foundation for enhancing the bonding techniques of semi-crystalline polymers and their composites.

After earning a Bachelor's degree in Hydraulic Engineering from Wuhan University, Xiangfeng shifted his interest to numerical simulation and programming. He pursued a Master's in Advanced Computational Methods in Civil Engineering at RWTH Aachen University and later gained expertise in multi-scale, multi-physics simulation as a research assistant at TU Darmstadt. His passion for material modeling led him to join Professor Jaan-Willem Simon's research group at the University of Wuppertal.