Computational Applied Mechanics


L. Poggenpohl, H. Holthusen and J. W. Simon, "Failure zone homogenization at mode II and mixed mode loading including gradient-extended damage and interface debonding at finite strains", Composite Structures, vol. 298, pp. 115997, 2022.
T. Kathmann, T. Hermes, U. Kucera, J. Stöver, J. Neumann, J. Lehmkuhl and J. M. Pfeifer, "Development of an up-to-date tool for mathematical dimensioning according to the RDO Beton", Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Reihe S: Straßenbau, 2022.

ISBN: 978-3-95606-708-2

Z. Zhao, C. Liu, H. Wang, J. W. Simon, J. Wang and Y. Li, "Crushing behavior of curved Nomex honeycombs under combined shear-compression loads", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 228, pp. 107480, 2022.
J. W. Simon, "Computational lower bound shakedown analysis with limited kinematic hardening is only safe if a specific hardening law is defined", Mechanics Research Communications, vol. 121, pp. 103865, 2022.
H. Holthusen, T. Brepols, J. W. Simon and S. Reese, "A gradient-extended anisotropic damage-plasticity model in the logarithmic strain space" in Proceedings of the 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2022.
B. Schaaf, B. Abeln, C. Richter, M. Feldmann, E. Toups, J. W. Simon, S. Reese, R. V. Seewald, A. Schiebahn and U. Reisgen, "Bestimmung von Material- und Modellparametern hyperelastischer Silikonklebungen im konstruktiven Glasbau", Bauingenieur, vol. 96, no. 1/2, pp. 37-46, 2021.
B. Schaaf, C. Richter, M. Feldmann, E. Toups, J. W. Simon, S. Reese, R. V. Seewald, A. Schiebahn and U. Reisgen, "Numerische Simulation hyperelastischer Klebverbindungen unter Berücksichtigung eines neuartigen Materialmodells" in Glasbau: Bauten und Projekte, Bemessung und Konstruktion, Forschung und Entwicklung, Bauprodukte und Bauarten / Bundesverband Flachglas, Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Baukonstruktion, Eds. Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, 2021, pp. 231-242.
L. Poggenpohl and J. W. Simon, "Averaging techniques for microstructures with localization bands due to damage progression" in Proceedings of the 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites: COMPOSITES 2021, 2021.
H. Holthusen, T. Brepols, S. Reese and J. W. Simon, "A novel gradient-extended anisotropic two-surface damage-plasticity model for finite deformations" in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS 2021, Sep. 2021, pp. 1-12.
J. W. Simon, "A Review of Recent Trends and Challenges in Computational Modeling of Paper and Paperboard at Different Scales", Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 2409-2428, 2021.
R. Bedzra, S. Reese and J. W. Simon, "Hierarchical multi-scale modelling of flax fibre/epoxy composite by means of general anisotropic viscoelastic-viscoplastic constitutive models: Part II - Mesomechanical model", International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 202, pp. 299-318, 2020.
G. Kloppenburg, H. Holthusen, Y. Li, J. Bloch, U. Hirn and J. W. Simon, "Numerical investigation of paper using the concept of representative volume elements characterized by single fiber behavior and fiber-fiber interaction" in Proceedings of the Progress in Paper Physics Seminar PPPS2020: book of abstracts, Sep. 2020, pp. 211-214.
E. Toups, R. V. Seewald, B. Schaaf, H. Holthusen, U. Reisgen, M. Feldmann, S. Reese and J. W. Simon, "Modeling of hyperelastic material accounting for the Mullins effect by defining a new stiffness reduction variable", Technische Mechanik, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 77-86, 2020.
B. Schaaf, C. Richter, M. Feldmann, E. Toups, J. W. Simon, S. Reese, R. V. Seewald, A. Schiebahn and U. Reisgen, "Material parameter determination for the simulation of hyperelastic bonds in civil engineering considering a novel material model", International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, vol. 103, pp. 102692, 2020.
S. Felder, H. Holthusen, S. Hesseler, F. Pohlkemper, T. Gries, J. W. Simon and S. Reese, "Incorporating crystallinity distributions into a thermo-mechanically coupled constitutive model for semi-crystalline polymers", International Journal of Plasticity, vol. 135, pp. 102751, 2020.
S. Felder, N. A. Vu, S. Reese and J. W. Simon, "Modeling the effect of temperature and degree of crystallinity on the mechanical response of Polyamide 6", Mechanics of Materials, vol. 148, pp. 103476, 2020.
R. Bedzra, S. Reese and J. W. Simon, "Hierarchical multi-scale modelling of flax fibre/epoxy composite by means of general anisotropic viscoelastic-viscoplastic constitutive models: Part I - Micromechanical model", International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 202, pp. 58-74, 2020.
S. Felder, N. A. Vu, S. Reese and J. W. Simon, "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Material Behavior of semi-crystalline Polyamide 6", Technische Mechanik, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 22-30, 2020.
A. Alajami, Y. Li and J. W. Simon, "Continuum Modelling of the Anisotropic Elastic-Plastic In-Plane Behavior of Paper in Small and Large Strains Regimes" in Plasticity, damage and fracture in advanced materials, Holm Altenbach, Michael Brünig, Zbigniew L. Kowalewski, Eds. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020, pp. 1-18.
H. Holthusen, T. Brepols, S. Reese and J. W. Simon, "An anisotropic constitutive model for fiber-reinforced materials including gradient-extended damage and plasticity at finite strains", Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, vol. 108, pp. 102642, 2020.
Z. Yuan, S. Felder, S. Reese, J. W. Simon and J. Fish, "A coupled Thermo-Chemo-Mechanical reduced-order multiscale model for Predicting Residual Stresses In Fibre Reinforced Semi-Crystalline Polymer Composites", International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 519-546, 2020.
E. C. Prume, G. Kloppenburg, S. Felder and J. W. Simon, "A constitutive framework for paperboard accounting for anisotropy and compressible plasticity at finite strains" in Proceedings of the Progress in Paper Physics Seminar PPPS2020: book of abstracts, Sep. 2020, pp. 39-42.
D. Höwer, K. C. Jois, B. Stier, B. A. Bednarcyk, E. J. Pineda, S. Reese and J. W. Simon, "Experimental and numerical investigation of the mixed mode delamination of monolithic laminates exhibiting severe fiber bridging", Composite Structures, vol. 242, pp. 112035, 2020.
E. J. Pineda, M. Fassin, S. Reese and J. W. Simon, "Method of cells-based multiscale modeling of elastic properties of filament wound C/C-SiC including free Si and matrix porosity", Journal of Materials Science & Technology, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 2906-2918, 2019.
D. Höwer, S. Yu, T. M. Ricks, B. A. Bednarcyk, E. J. Pineda, B. Stier, S. Reese and J. W. Simon, "Weave geometry generation avoiding interferences for mesoscale RVEs", Journal of Materials Science & Technology, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 2869-2882, 2019.