Computational Applied Mechanics


In October 2022, Prof. Jaan-Willem Simon has become the head of the chair CAM. Prizes and awards that CAM or members of CAM have won since then can be found here.

BUW Publication Prize Award

The University of Wuppertal awarded the first publication prize in recognition of particularly successful academic work published in the previous calendar year. The jury selected Birte Boes as the winner from 42 applicants.

More information can be found here and in the official press statement.

GAMM 2023 Sustainability Award

CAM and project partners received the Sustainability Award at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the GAMM (Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics) in Dresden for the contribution "Automatic generation of microstructures for materials based on cellulose fibers". Involved were Jan Mirco Pfeifer, Greta Kloppenburg, Summer Kochersperger, Samuel Schabel, Albrecht Dinkelmann, Hermann Finckh, Johannes Neumann and Jaan-Willem Simon. The collaboration arose from the project TTP LB DiPl-HFC funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

Friedrich Wilhelm Award for Nadir Kopic

Nadir Kopic received the Friedrich Wilhelm Award 2022 for his outstanding master's thesis entitled "A thermo-mechanically coupled gradient-extended damage-plasticity model for large deformations". The prize is awarded by the Friedrich Wilhelm Foundation for exceptional master's theses and dissertations at RWTH Aachen University.