Computational Applied Mechanics

New publication

26.07.2023|10:11 Uhr

Birte Boes publishes the paper "A novel continuum mechanical framework for decoupled materialbehavior in thickness and in-plane directions"

Together with co-authors Jaan-Willem Simon, Stefanie Reese and Hagen Holthusen, Birte Boes publishes the paper "A novel continuum mechanical framework for decoupled material behavior in thickness and in-plane directions" in the journal "Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering".

The microstructure of paper results in a material behavior in which the thickness direction behaves independently of the sheet plane. A material model is presented that incorporates this decoupling in a flexible, continuum mechanics approach. Structural simulations are used to illustrate the approach.

The paper can be found under this DOI and can be downloaded there free of charge for 50 days: