Computational Applied Mechanics

Prof. i. R. Dr.-Ing. habil. Wolfhard Zahlten

Allgemeine Hochschulreife

  • 1979
    Allgemeine Hochschulreife - Gymnasium in Hagen und Wetter


  • 1979 - 1985
    Studium des Bauingenieurwesens an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • 1985 - 1990
    Wiss. Assistent am Institut f. Statik und Dynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • 1989
    Promotion, Titel der Dissertation:
    "Ein Beitrag zur physikalisch und geometrisch nichtlinearen Computeranalyse allgemeiner Stahlbetonschalen"
  • 1997
    Habilitation: Titel der Habilitationsschrift:
    "Zur numerischen Simulation winderregter Strukturen"


  • 1990 - 1994
    Oberingenieur am Institut f. Statik und Dynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • 1994 - 1996
    Akademischer Oberrat am Institut f. Statik und Dynamik, Universität Rostock
  • 1996 - 1998
    Akademischer Oberrat am Institut f. Baustatik und Baudynamik, RWTH Aachen
  • 1998 - 2022
    Universitätsprofessor C4 für Baumechanik und Numerische Methoden an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal
  • seit 2005
    Gesellschafter der Eusani - Hortmanns - Zahlten Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

Zahlten, W., Eusani, R.: On EC8-Compatible Time-Domain Simulation of Structures Subjected to Non-Uniform Seismic Ground Motions, 7th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Mechanics, Zadar 2012, Proceedings on CD-ROM.

Roesler, S., Eusani, R., Hortmanns, M., Zahlten, W.: On the identification of loads and structural properties with the method of inverse finite elements (iFEM), 9th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium, Kyoto (Japan) 2012.

Wehr, F., Bach, A., Zahlten, W.: Application and Distinction of Current Approaches for the Evaluation of Earthquake-Response of Secondary Systems, International Conference of Seismic Design of Industrial Facilities, Aachen 2013.

Zahlten, W., Eusani, R.: Numerical Simulation of the Aeroelastic Response of Bridge Structures Including Instabilities, Int. J. Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 94 (2006), 909-922.

Jamali, N., Zahlten, W., Neuhaus, C.: Modal Analysis of Friction Base-Isolated Structures, 5th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Tehran 2007, Iran.

Jamali, N., Zahlten, W., Neuhaus, C.: Modal Analysis of Isolated Structures with Friction Pendulum Systems, 7th European Conference on Structural Dynamics, Southampton 2008, England.

Neuhaus, C., Zahlten, W.: On the Identification of Indicial Aerodynamic Functions by a Recursive Filter Approximation, 7th European Conference on Structural Dynamics, Southampton 2008, England.

Neuhaus, C., Zahlten, W.: Dynamic Model Validation for a Wind Force Filter Approximation, XLth Bilateral Czech/German Symposium, Liblice Castle 2008, Czech Republic.

Neuhaus, C., Mikkelsen, O., Bogunovic Jakobsen, J., Höffer, R., Zahlten, W.: Time Domain Representations of Unsteady Aeroelastic Wind Forces by Rational Function Approximations, 5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, Florence 2009, Italy.

Neuhaus, C., Roesler, S., Höffer, R., Hortmanns, M., Zahlten, W.: Identification of 18 Flutter Derivatives by Forced Vibration Tests - A New Experimental Rig, 5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, Florence 2009, Italy.

Roesler, S., Eusani, R., Zahlten, W.: 3D-Tragwerksanalyse im Frequenzbereich zur Bestimmung der kritischen Windgeschwindigkeit für das Einsetzen von Flatterschwingungen, in: Windingenieurwesen in Forschung und Praxis, Vortragsband der 11. Dreiländertagung D-A-CH 2009 der Windtechnologischen Gesellschaft e. V. am 19. und 20. November 2009 an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig 2009.

Zahlten, W.: Time-domain calculation of the flutter velocity of slender bridges, COST C14 workshop “Impact of Wind and Storm on City Life and Built Environment”, Nantes 2002, Proceedings 204-214.

Borri, C., Costa, C., Zahlten, W.: Non-stationary flow forces for the numerical simulation of aeroelastic instability of bridge decks, Computers & Structures, 80 (2002), 1071-1079.

Zahlten, W., Eusani, R., Schwarzkopf, D, Hortmanns, M.: A combined experimental-numerical procedure for the aeroelastic design of footbridges under wind loading - Part 1: Numerical modelling of footbridges under stochastic wind loads, Footbridge 2002, Paris 2002, Proceedings on CD-ROM.

Brüggemann, M., Zahlten, W.: On the Time-Domain Simulation of Liquid-Filled Tanks under Earthquake Excitation, 7th Scientific International Conference Civil Engineering, Košice 2002, Proceedings 20-23.

Brüggemann, M., Harte, R., Zahlten, W.: A Non-linear Finite Element Model for the Analysis of Liquid-Filled Tanks under Earthquake Excitation, in: Computational Fluid and Solid Dynamics 2003, Editor: K.-J. Bathe, Elsevier Publisher Amsterdam, 1271-1274.

Borri, C., Salvatori, L., Zahlten, W.: Recenti sviluppi nella modellazione agli elementi finiti della fessurazione nel calcestruzzo e nei materiali quasi-fragili, AIMETA’03, XVI Congresso AIMETA di Meccanica Teorica e Apllicata, Proceedings on CD-ROM.

Borri, C., Salvatori, L., Zahlten, W.: Numerical modeling and implementation of RC fracturing through the FEM, 4th International Croation Society of Mechanics, Sept. 18-20, 2003, Bizovac, Croatia, Proceedings on CD-ROM.

Eusani, R., Zahlten, W.: Einsatz experimenteller und numerischer Simulationstechniken beim Entwurf leichter Fußgängerbrücken, Vision – Beiträge aus Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen 4, Bergische Universität 2004.

Zahlten, W.: Simulation of the Aeroelastic Response of Bridge Structures Including Instability, International Conference on Urban Wind Engineering and Building Aerodynamics, Brussels 2004, Proceddings.

Schneider, W., Zahlten, W.: Load-Bearing Behaviour and Structural Analysis of Slender Ring-Stiffened Cylindrical Shells Under Quasi-Static Wind Load, J. of Constr. Steel Research, Vol. 60/1, 2004, pp. 125-146.

Salvatori, L. Zahlten, W.: On the Identification of Indicial Functions from Measured Aeroelastic Derivatives,. Eurodyn 2005, Paris, France, September 4-7, Proceedings, Millpress Rotterdam 2005, p. 361-366.

Meskouris, K., Zahlten, W.: Seismische Schädigungsanalyse von Stahlbetonhochhäusern, Baustatik/Baupraxis 6, Weimar 1996, 6.1-6.19.

Zahlten, W., Borri, C., Bartoli, G., Meskouris, K.: Time-Domain Simulations of Cooling Tower Shells Subjected to Stochastic Wind Loading, Natural Draught Cooling Towers, Editors: U. Wittek & W. B. Krätzig, A.A.Balkema 1996, 103-110.

Ramanjaneyulu, K., Zahlten, W., Krätzig, W. B.: Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Wind Loaded Cooling Tower Shells, Natural Draught Cooling Towers, Editors: U. Wittek & W. B. Krätzig, A.A.Balkema 1996, 93-101.

Zahlten, W., Meskouris, K.: Elasto-plastic Analysis of R/C Cooling Towers with Special Emphasis on Damage Assessment, 5th Int. Conf. on Computational Plasticity COMPLAS 5, Barcelona 1997, Proceedings, 1600-1607.

Zahlten, W., Meskouris, K.: Numerische Simulation von Kühlturmschalen unter realistischen Windlastprozessen, Festschrift Emeritierung Prof. Mehlhorn, 405-414.

Zahlten, W., Borri, C.: Time-domain simulation of the nonlinear response of cooling tower shells subjected to stochastic wind loading, Int. Journal of Engineering Structures, Vol. 19, 1997.

Zahlten, W., Meskouris, K.: Nonlinear time-domain analysis of line-like structures under multi-correlated wind loading. in: Aspects in Modern Computational Analysis, Meskouris & Wittek (eds), Balkema, Rotterdam 1997, 63-76.

Zahlten, W., Borri, C., Meskouris, K.: Nonlinear Time-Domain Simulations of R/C Cooling Towers under Stochastic Wind Loading. 1st Structural Engineers Word Congress SEWC, San Francisco 1998, Paper T157-1, Proceedings on CD-ROM.

Meskouris, K., Zahlten, W., Weitkemper, U.: Seismische Schädigung von Stahl-betonhochhäusern. Der Bauingenieur 75 (1999), 325-331.

Zahlten, W.: Realistic Numerical Models for Stochastic Wind Effects on Slender Structures. 1st European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Munich 1999, Proceedings on CD-ROM.

Borri, C., Zahlten, W.: Fully Simulated Nonlinear Analysis of Large Structures Subjected to Turbulent Artificial Wind, Int. J. Mech. Struct. and Machines, Vol. 19, 1991, No 2, 213-250.

Krätzig, W. B., Gruber, K., Zahlten, W.: Computer Collapse Simulation and Crack-Evolution of Large Natural Draught Cooling Towers under Heavy Winds, Proceedings of the International IASS Symposium 1991, T. Wester, S. J. Medwadowski, I. Mogensen (Eds.), Vol. III, 43-50, Arkitektens Forlag, Copenhagen 1991.

Bartoli, G., Borri, C., Zahlten, W.: Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Cooling Towers under Stochastic Wind Loading, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 41-44 (1992), 2187-2198.

Augusti, G., Borri, C., Zahlten, W.: Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Cooling Towers under Stochastic Wind Loading, IUTAM-Symposium on Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics, Torino 1991, N. Bellomo F. Casciati (Eds), Springer Verlag (1992), 25-34.

Basar, Y., Gruber, K., Krätzig, W. B., Meskouris, K., Zahlten, W.: Nichtlineare Analyseverfahren für Tragsicherheit, Schädigungsevolution und Restlebensdauer windbeanspruchter Naturzugkühltürme, Der Bauingenieur 67 (1992), 515-524.

Krätzig, W. B., Gruber, K., Qian, Y.-Y., Zahlten, W.: Physically Nonlinear Numerical Simulation of Imperfection Sensitivity of Cooling Tower Shells, Third National Conference on Mechanics (HSTAM), Athens 1992, Proceedings, Athens University Press (1993), Vol. 1, 133-142.

Eckstein, U., Gruber, K., Zahlten, W.: Geometrisch und physikalisch nichtlineare Analysen von Kühlturmschalen, Statik und Dynamik im Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Bochum (1992), SFB 151-Bericht Nr. 23 (1992), Ruhr-Universität Bochum, B53-B63.

Harte, R., Krätzig, W. B., Meskouris, K., Schnütgen, B., Zahlten, W.: Nichtlineare Analysen von Stahlbeton-Flächentragwerken gemäß EC 2, Baustatik-Baupraxis 5, München 1993, Proceedings, 21.1-21.19.

Hoffmeister, P., Zahlten, W., Krätzig, W. B.: Object-oriented Finite Element Modeling, 5th Int. Conf. on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering V-ICCCBE, Anaheim 1993, ASCE Press (1993), Vol. 1, 537-544.

Hoffmeister, P., Zahlten, W.: Entwicklung eines objektorientierten FE-Modells zur Analyse beliebig gekrümmter Schalenentragwerke, Forum Bauinformatik - Junge Wissenschaftler forschen, München 1993, Proceedings, 27-33.

Zahlten, W., Hoffmeister, P.: Entwurf eines objektorientierten FE-Modells zur Analyse räumlicher Stabtragwerke nach der linearen Fließgelenktheorie, 13. Internationales Kolloquium über Anwendungen der Informatik und der Mathematik in Architektur und Bauwesen IKM94, Proceedings, Weimar 1994, 412-417.

Krätzig, W. B., Gruber, K., Meskouris, K., Zahlten, W.: Computer Simulations of Ultimate and Serviceability States of Reinforced Concrete Shells. H. Mang et al (eds.): Proceedings EURO-C 1994, International Conference, Vol. 2, Pineridge Press, Swansea 1994, 987-998.

Gruber, K., Krätzig, W. B., Meskouris, K., Zahlten, W.: Increase of Safety, Reliability and Durability of Natural Draught Cooling Towers by Nonlinear Design Concepts, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 21-1 (1994), SERC Madras, 1-12.

Soric, J., Zahlten, W.: On Geometrically Nonlinear Elastic-Plastic Computation of Compound Shell Structures, 1st Congress of the Croatian Society of Mechanics, Pula 1994, Proceedings, 71-78.

Zahlten, W., Gruber, K., Krätzig, W. B.: Finite Element Assessment of Thin Shell Structures, Structural Engineering International, Vol. 4 (1994), 164-166.

Krätzig, W.B., Meskouris, K., Harte, R., Zahlten, W., Schnütgen, B.: Nichtlineare Analysen von Stahlbeton-Flächentragwerken gemäß Eurocode 2, Der Bauingenieur 70 (1995), 47-54.

Soric, J., Zahlten, W.: Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Internally Pressurized Torisperical Shells, Thin-Walled Structures 22 (1995), 217-239.

Zahlten, W., Eckstein, U., Krätzig, W. B., Meskouris, K.: Entwurf und Beurteilung dünner Stahlbetonschalen mittels nichtlinearer FE-Modelle, Finite Elemente in der Baupraxis FEM'95, Stuttgart 1995, Verlag Ernst & Sohn, 243-251.

Zahlten, W., Demmert, P., Krätzig, W. B.: An Object-Oriented Approach to Physically Nonlinear Problems in Computational Mechanics, 6th Int. Conf. on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering VI-ICCCBE, Berlin 1995, Proceedings, A.A. Balkema Publishers, 147-154.

Borri, C., Höffer, R., Zahlten, W.: A Non-Linear Approach for Evaluating Simultaneous Buffeting and Aeroelastic Effects on Bridge Decks, 9th Int. Conf. Wind Eng., New Delhi, 1995 Proceedings, 839-850.

Borri, C., Zahlten, W.: Nonlinear Simulation of Dynamic Response of Large Structures to Artificial Wind Loading, 4th National Italian Conf. of Computational Mechanics, Padova 1989, Reports of the Structural Division No 10/89, p. 23-28, University of Florence 1989.

Borri, C., Augusti, G., Zahlten, W.: Fully Nonlinear Models to Simulate Structural Response to Wind Loading, 5th Int. Conf. Struct. Safety and Reliability ICOSSAR, San Francisco 1989, ASCE, Volume 1, 119-122.

Krätzig, W. B., Zahlten, W.: The Application of Plastic-Fracturing Theory to the Finite Element Analysis of General Reinforced Concrete Shells, 10th Int. Conf. Struct. Mech. in Reactor Technology, Anaheim 1989, Volume B, 311-322.

Borri, C., Zahlten, W.: Fully-simulated Nonlinear Analysis of Large Structures Subjected to Turbulent, Artificial Wind, Reports of the Structural Division No 6/89, University of Florence 1989.

Hanskötter, U., Krätzig, W. B., Meskouris, K., Zahlten, W.: A Knowledge-based Approach to the Numerical Treatment of Constitutive Laws for Cyclic Loading, 1st European Conf. on Struct. Dyn. EURODYN '90, Bochum 1990, A.A. Balkema Press, Rotterdam 1991, Vol. 1, 465-470.

Borri, C., Zahlten, W.: Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Analysis of Cooling Tower Shells, 10th National Italian Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Pisa 1990, Vol. 1, 245-250.

Bartoli, G., Borri, C., Zahlten, W.: Dinamica non lineare di torri refrigeranti soggette all'azione del vento, 1st National Italian Conference on Wind Engineering IN-VENTO 90, Florence 1990, Pitagora Editrice Bologna, 1990, 385-398.

Bartoli, G., Borri, C., Gusella, V., Zahlten, W.: Analisi comparativa della risposta di grandi antenne radiotelevisive all'azione del vento, 1st National Italian Conference on Wind Engineering IN-VENTO 90, Florence 1990, Pitagora Editrice Bologna, 1990, 373-384.

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